Club Penguin Pookie Wiki

A pookie sleeping.


Bedtime picture

Bedtime is the time of day when the members of the fam fams go to bed. Bedtime is necessary for a fam fam. If you don't have a bed time, it creates chaos and throws off the family routine.


Newborns and babies usually sleep through the night. They might wake up because they need their diaper changed or because they are thirsty/hungry. They might want you to read them a story before they go to bed. They usually settle down around 6:30/7:00pm.


Toddlers might wake up in the middle of the night to have their diaper changed or because they are too cold/warm. Toddlers usually will want you to read them a story and give them a glass of water or warm milk. A good bedtime for a toddler is around 7 or 7:30pm. Toddlers sometimes get annoyed at bedtime because they want to keep playing or because they think it's unfair that their sibling gets to stay up later.


This is a house at bedtime, notice all lights and TVs are off

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What a pookie may wear to bed.


Pookies will usually sleep through the night if they are not awoken by a bad dream or a weird sound. They might also want a glass of water or warm milk and for you to read them a story. The ideal bedtime for a pookie is around 8-8:30pm. Pookies might become annoyed at bedtime because they want to stay up late.


Middles usually sleep through the night. They will want to settle down on their own but they might still want a warm drink. Middles often read before bedtime, but they consider themselves "too old" to be read to. The ideal bedtime for them is around 9:30-10:00pm. Like pookies, middles might want to stay up late.


Older siblings need a curfew since they sometimes go out during the night. Their curfew should be about 11:30pm so they are in bed by midnight. Biggies usually settle down on their own too, but you should always check on them (as a mumu/dudu) to make sure they don't sneak out. Biggies sometimes will break their curfew so they can stay up late.  


Adults need sleep as well. Some adults go to sleep just after the pookies are put to bed but other times, adults stay up later to do things around the house or to do work.


  • Sometimes a pookie will have insomnia and not be able to sleep. This is rare because most people have the decency to not roleplay real life medical conditions.
  • When adults stay up, they usually drink coffee or some sort of energy drink, although energy drinks are more common for biggies.
  • Sometimes, biggies will stay up late so that they can study. This is pretty rare because biggies aren't usually very studious.
  • Sometimes, pookies will wake up in the middle of the night and might not be able to fall back asleep because they had a bad dream, they feel sick, or for no good reason at all.
  • Sometimes, a pookie will secretly try to stay up late, either by reading under the covers or by sneaking around the house late at night.
  • Pookies might want to stay up like their older siblings.
  • Sometimes, toddlers and pookies might wet the bed, in which case they'll usually wake up and cry, and if your pookie does this, just change their diaper/outfit, change the bedding, and put them back to bed. It's no big deal really, but generally people should try to avoid graphically rping wetting the bed because it's gross.
  • Some mumus use "oscilators" or baby monitors when the pookies go to sleep.
  • The night/sleeping period usually lasts about 3 or 4 minutes in rp so that pookies have time to sleep and dream and do whatever night time shenanigans they want to do.
  • Some pookies/middles/biggies/etc. dream when they fall asleep.
  • Diva pookies often throw a fit at bed time, refusing to go to sleep.