Club Penguin Pookie Wiki

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The Rockhopper Plush is one of the most common plush toys. It can be obtained by puffle digging and it was also an item from 2012's holiday party.


  • Rare member pookies usually do not wear this item because it's not very rare or cute to mumus.
  • It is a lot like the mascot Rockhopper because it is themed to look like him.

    The Rockhopper Plush.

  • Pookies mostly refer to the plush as "Mr. Rockhopper" or rarely "Wockhopper".
  • It is available to non-members and members.
  • It is often worn by nonmembers or newbie Pookies.
  • Pookies who wear this item have less chance of getting picked by a rare mumu.